Wednesday, December 31, 2008

we are god's children

This post is about us being God's children....
We need to know that we are God's children
and are called to pray and help more and more people be in God's family. Especially us children because we have that child like faith to pray and believe in what we are praying for.We should also tell people about God and if someone is not doing the right thing don't do what they are doing, but help them to make the right decisions.


  1. Ferris,
    I love that you have a blog! That is very well said. I look foward to reading more of your thoughts!

  2. Way to go Ferris! I love your new blog and will read often. I am proud of you.

    Pastor D

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  5. Ferris I love your blog. you should write a book. I can not wait 2 read your next blog
