Saturday, February 21, 2009

yearly events

hi friends!!!!!
i am sooo excited about this upcoming months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in march because i am going to the beach (4 stars vacation) and priscilla (my sister) b-day
in april becuase of sophia's (my other sister) /daddy's b-day/Easter.
in may because it's the last month of school.
in june because it's summer,treehouse camp,amy's b-day and beach (a different trip and place).
and in july because my nana (from england who i last saw in the 1st grade) and natasha (my cousin from england whom i've never met) are coming!!!!!!
in august (i will be in 6th grade/middleschool) we start school again.
in september mimi's b-day.
in october coco's/grandaddy's b-day.
in november bekahs b-day.
in december my b-day (12) and Christs b-day.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are so excited about others! Proof that you live a life of love.
