Wednesday, March 31, 2010

next year :(

as most of you already know this next school year we will not be able to attend the branch christian academy!!!! it is because of lots of reasons.reason 1 is that our science teacher that also teaches our 7th 8th and 9th graders (Mr v.) will be moving, and the school is just going up to 6th grade. it is because the staff thinks we don't have enough teachers for our activities and also the school doesn't have enough money for any more teachers.ever since we found out there has been lots of confusing and wondering why,but God knows the best for us. there has been sobbing, wailing, and crying but we will persevere.

my plan for next year will be homeschooling with my 3 best friends-Amy Martin -Nicole Fetch- Rebekah Beaver

please pray for everybody for where to go to school !!

it will never be the same i will miss you guys sooooooooo much love you!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. i love every one! i will also miss everyone!!!
    yet god knows best
