Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter breek i cant wait!!!

I am sooooo excited about tomorrow because it is a half day and we are having all of next week off.We will have the branch annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday,get our Easter presents/baskets on Sunday,and have lunch with family on Sunday but that's not the real meaning of easter. everybody knows the Easter story when Jesus died and rose again,but if you think really closely there is something more to it!

Jesus had a choice to die for us. he could chosen not to die but he did it for us so we could be forgiven of all our sins fears,and worry's. not just some,all!!!what make a mistake to do tomorrow or the next day or the next day etc.!!

At chapel on Wednesday we did this activity with all of the middle and high school where Grayson played a song while Tory read us the Easter story straight from the Bible. as they were doing that we wrote down something that worry's us or something we may be scared of on a piece of paper then folded it up then nailed it to a piece of wood!! it represents our worry's and fear Jesus took when he was nailed to the cross. it just made my day . we could just let go of those burdens. i don't have anything that private i wrote so i will share it.

Next year!! what will i do with out every body by my side! i just know that i cant go through this next year and take my worry's alone!!

then i wrote an amazing solution!!

Jesus took my pains just like what Tory just said so i don't have to go through this alone. God will be right by my side and he has an amazing plan for my life!!
Just thought i would share that with you for this Easter!! :)

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